Suffice to say, worlds populated with this method should carry warnings, but appear to be safe if certain rules are followed. These testers have now maintained working worlds across four or five generations without any corruption that is apparent to end users. However, creators should bear in mind the pool of testers has been small and largely non-technical. Testing to date demonstrates that these Sims will be installed with the world file, and will act just as the premade Sims in Sunset Valley or Twinbrook. It is possible, using a combination of mods and EA debug commands, to add Sims to custom worlds using Edit-In-Game in the Create-A-World tool (CAW). Please check out the discussion page for less substantiated research and areas to look into. 1.2.5 Step Four: Reset motives before saving. A Warning about Ghosts & Mummies.1.2.4 Step Three: How to add premade Sims.1.2.3 Step Two: De-fuglying and clean up.1.2.2 Step One: Using the Make Sim command in Edit-In-Game.