Clash of clans lvl 7 base
Clash of clans lvl 7 base

A level 1 Mortar can one-shot level 1 Archers, level 2 can one-shot level 2 Archers, etc.

  • At each level, the Mortar can kill a same-level Archer in a single-shot.
  • At Town Hall 9 and above, where you get heavier defenses like the X-Bow, they are best used on the outside with trash buildings to pick off and clump other troops.
  • Since the Mortar deals heavy splash damage, it can quite rapidly eliminate attacking light troops. It is smart to form a triangle or square with your Mortars near the center of your base, as this allows multiple Mortars to attack the same area.
  • Mortars should generally be placed towards the center of your base, preferably behind at least one set of Walls, because its long-range attacks which allow the Mortar to attack from far behind other structures.
  • clash of clans lvl 7 base

  • Due to the fact that the Mortar's shell takes awhile to reach its target (over a second at maximum range), fast troops like Goblins can easily dodge its attack if they are moving when the Mortar fires.
  • clash of clans lvl 7 base

    It also cannot attack air troops, such as Balloons.

  • A Mortar's major disadvantages are its inability to attack troops within its 4-tile blind spot, its low rate of fire, and low DPS which makes them less effective against high-health troops.
  • It is possible that a troop, after getting knocked back, will change its targets depending on the current situation.
  • The Mortar shell's explosion is so powerful that it knocks back smaller troops.
  • The Mortar's low Damage per Second is due to its very slow firing speed multiplying its DPS by 5 (its hit speed) will give you its damage per shot, which is the more important stat for Mortars.
  • Multiple Mortars can sweep away Giants and Wizards. Their splash damage, combined with their long-range, makes them deadly weapons against large groups of weaker enemies such as Barbarians, Archers, or Goblins.
  • Mortars shoot long-range explosive shells every 5 seconds which deal devastating splash damage to every ground unit within a small radius of the impact point.
  • clash of clans lvl 7 base

  • Your Multi Mortar needs to be level 8, which is at Builder Hall 8, or higher in order to gear up your Mortar.
  • The geared-up Mortar fires bursts of three shots, albeit with reduced damage, and it directly shoots without hesitating at first like regular Mortars.
  • Starting at level 8, which is at Town Hall 10, the Master Builder in the Builder Base can gear up a single Mortar to make it resemble a Multi Mortar.
  • Whenever an enemy comes into range, it blasts out an explosive shell that deals area damage.
  • Mortars are the player's light splash defenses, and is the first unlocked defense capable of doing area damage.

  • Clash of clans lvl 7 base